Looks like we have another royal wedding in our future, and you know what that means: more ROYAL BABIES. While Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have onl ...
Photo: iStockphoto ?My newborn daughters? sh*t did not stink. Its smell was reminiscent of popcorn. After introducing solid foods though, their poops ...
Download or print this school supplies list to make sure your kids have everything they need for back to school. Read more: 27 new and novel school ...
Most parents have had bath-time struggles with their kids at some point. Whether it?s a problem transitioning from playtime to bath time, fear theyâ� ...
I will admit that living a gluten free lifestyle is so much easier today than it was in 2003. In 2003 I discovered that I was allergic to gluten and c ...
If you have been following my blog for any length of time you probably notice that I make craft projects for other people often. Even when I decide to ...
New year. New me. New you. New goals. One major goal this year is to engage this wonderful blogging community better. What better way than to begin ...
Every once and a while I will feel something in my head around my scar which the Dr says is normal but it still freaks me out. The dizziness and nause ...
How did I begin my FIRST Monday of the New Year" Guess!!! No, seriously… take a guess… … … WROOOONG. Ok fine, I’ll t ...
We always knew we made a difference. We always knew what we do every day was nothing short of a miracle but to hear these stories from complete strang ...
I did something to start this year that I rarely do... I went back and read my "resolutions" blog post that kicked off 2015. I was kind of scared. Do ...
My kids have a small obsession with camping. I do not. Camping isn’t my thing. Going to the cottage or cabin is more my speed. I am a big fan o ...
I have been celebrating a New Year and a new start daily since I had surgery to remove a brain tumour. But with the coming of the new year I still mad ...
Hey now friends! Welcome to the Blogging Besties? 2015: A Year in Review Link-Up Party! We are ready to show 2o16 who\'s the boss, but before we do ...
At the end of the year, I usually do a "Year in Review." This year, however I decided to do something a little bit different. After poring over photos ...
Each year I make the kids a Christmas ornament. Usually the ornaments are a little different, as are they. This year I made them ornaments inspired b ...
On the eleventh day of Christmas I was crafting for a birthday. Just a few days after Christmas its my nieces birthday. I have two boys, four nephews, ...
Here is my post from the tenth day of Christmas last year. Funny enough my model was wearing the same jammies this morning although they are getting a ...
Step 3. Glue and wrap additional strips of felt. If you are using white glue use straight pins and pin as you wrap and glue. With hot glue you donâ ...
On the eighth day of Christmas we were baking again, if you can call making rice crispy treats baking. I am that mom that sends treats to school with ...
It’s well past the seventh day of Christmas and it has been a busy few days. On the seventh day of Christmas I did some baking, about seven doz ...
Did you ever think about taking swimming lessons while on vacation" Did you know that studies show that young children who participate in early ...
As luck would have it the sixth day of Christmas is also the release of the new Star Wars movie. I was talking with my mom the other day when she ment ...
On the fifth day of Christmas I was decking the halls with a felt banner. Santa, snowmen, reindeer are mixed with snowflakes and candy swirls to creat ...
This is one of my favourite things that I have made for the kids. I made these 3 years ago when my oldest was 3. Surprisingly they are still all intac ...
Last week Mackenzie came home from school with a small bag of chocolate coins. She showed them off in the car as we drove home from school."I won thes ...
I started this blog years ago under the title Crafting Through the Holidays and each day during the 12 days of Christmas I would post a new craft. Th ...
Are you ready for the holiday" I have been slowly preparing for the holiday season for a while now because I have 4 exams to write between December ...
I\'m hooking up with Alyson M for her "4 Gifts" series. If you are visiting from the link up, Welcome.Can you believe it\'s week four of "4 Gifts" ...