Looks like we have another royal wedding in our future, and you know what that means: more ROYAL BABIES. While Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have onl ...
Photo: iStockphoto ?My newborn daughters? sh*t did not stink. Its smell was reminiscent of popcorn. After introducing solid foods though, their poops ...
Download or print this school supplies list to make sure your kids have everything they need for back to school. Read more: 27 new and novel school ...
Most parents have had bath-time struggles with their kids at some point. Whether it?s a problem transitioning from playtime to bath time, fear theyâ� ...
Kids all over the world have one thing in common: their love of snacks. But what they eat, whether it?s after school or at a birthday party, varies gr ...
Obstetric forceps look like ninja weapons. They come as a pair: 16 inches of solid steel for each hand with curved ?blades? that taper into a set of ...
As I'm writing this blog post, it is currently 25 degrees outside. With the windchill, it feels more like 12 degrees. That's cold for October. Even in ...
Let's sit down quiet and enjoy funniest kids and baby fails. Cute babies and kids are doing funny things or have funny fails. Video URL: ...
The 20-week ultrasound, an anatomy scan that takes place between 18 and 22 weeks is probably one of the longest and most detailed ultrasounds you?ll h ...
Before I had a baby, I had dreamed of what my days as a new mother would look like. As far as I could tell from magazines and social media, it looked ...
For English-speaking children, there’s nothing more iconic than The Alphabet Song. You know the tune (which some people may not realize is actua ...
Ilana Shapiro* describes breastfeeding her first baby as a nightmare. Not only did her nipples hurt while nursing, but the pain lasted for two hours a ...
When my kids meet someone new, after the standard exchange of pleasantries, the next inevitable question seems to be, ?What sports are you into"? ...
Halloween time have lots of fun and happiness. For this holiday people are making very creative and funny costumes. In this video I want to share most ...
Tessa Lloyd’s debut book, Forty Fathers, is a collection of interviews with prominent Canadian dads, candidly exploring modern fatherhood in all ...
It can be one of the most frustrating side effects of pregnancy: heartburn, or an uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest after you eat. For som ...
Isn’t it adorable when kids add an accent to their tiny toddler voices" Now close your eyes and imagine the time you would least expect you ...
You?ll never forget the first time you see your baby on that glowing black-and-white ultrasound screen. It?s exciting and scary, and it?s a relief to ...
As we inch closer to 2020, you need to make sure that your children look picture-perfect for those upcoming special occasions. We’ve picked th ...
Twin babies are the best goft from the god and everyone is happy to watch twin baby videos. Here we have collected best funny twin baby videos and mad ...
/* Mobile breakpoint */ @media screen and (max-width: 769px) { /* Post landing */ .post-landing.rdm-gallery.beauty-products-that-work-while-y ...
.byline { display: none; } After seeing about what feels like a million properties, you finally found the perfect home for you and y ...
Reprinted with permission from Silence is a Scary Sound by Clint Edwards, Page Street Publishing Co. 2019. When I got married, my mother said she plan ...
Recently, I?ve been thinking about how we are only a few weeks away from driving on roads packed with snow and ice. Pretty soon I?ll be feeling like I ...
We live in a rural area of southwestern Ontario, and the winters can be brutal. It?s not uncommon for schools to be cancelled and roads to be closed d ...
I read a lot of books and articles when I was pregnant. My goal was to be as informed as I could be on all things pregnancy-related. It was my first r ...
Let's relax and watch funniest kids fails videos. I can bet you will not able to watch this video without laughing. Video URL: ...
Shay Mitchell is officially a mama! On October 21, the Pretty Little Liars actress shared the wonderful news that she had given birth to her bb girl w ...
Netflix Canada has announced which new TV shows and movies it will be adding to its lineup in November 2019, and of course that means, more options fo ...
This happy kids and babies love playing with dogs and other pets. They are socute and adorabgle :* Link to the video: SU ...
Let’s face it?night vision videos can be terrifying. There’s something about the dark, grainy footage that makes you see things that aren& ...
If you?ve never heard of Dr. Jen Gunter, you must not be on Twitter. The Canadian OB/GYN has become the internet?s go-to expert on all things lady par ...
.byline { display: none; } Sleepless nights, figuring out a schedule (like when to shower, for instance) and learning how to feed a ...
This November, the streaming world is going to get a lot more crowded. Tech giant Apple will launch their streaming service Apple TV Plus in Canada on ...
I?m always on the lookout for activities that my two-year-old son, George, and I can do together?and when they don?t involve a screen, I consider it a ...
I?m a mom to a very precocious toddler and at two years old, we have reached the point at home where stuffies have become less interesting; now, it?s ...
Tis’ the season! It’s just about that time of year when we start hitting the stores and tackling our holiday shopping. I don’t know ...
One of the neatest things about having a large family is witnessing the different dynamics and connections develop between members. I grew up in a fam ...
Kids and babies love playing with water and we would like to present you best fun and fail moments from AFV Library. SUBSCRIBE here: ...
.byline { display: none; } Having your first baby can be stressful, but what about your second or third" Dealing with a new add ...
One of the great ironies of my second pregnancy is that the only times I?ve been offered a seat on the subway are when I genuinely don?t want one. Som ...
Photo: Courtesy of Christina Stevenson 1. The Brevard Zoo Feed giraffes, lorikeets and cockatiels while listening to keeper talks or purchase an admis ...
?Mommy, what?s a calorie"? I was in the middle of an intense workout, having (I thought) left both my sons upstairs under the supervision of thei ...
To this day, the only movie that has directly given me nightmares is Watership Down. I saw it when I was 7 or 8, and I’m sure that my parents ha ...
I was sitting on the floor of the nursery at 2 a.m., trying to hold my three-day-old baby girl gently rather than in a vice grip that would betray the ...
Sponsored Content In the fast pace of a modern world, the value of an all-round nurturing approach is often forgotten. Philip Rowe, Headmaster at Si ...
Our 5 month old baby Daniel is very happy to see his food and baby bottle, but he does not seem to be very happy than mom gives him toys. ...
Every month, Netflix Canada announces which new TV shows and movies it will be adding to its lineup, but this time we’ve got a special release t ...
The average woman uses a mind-boggling 11,000 pads and tampons in her life. As a result, approximately 20 billion disposable menstrual products?most o ...
/* Mobile breakpoint */ @media screen and (max-width: 769px) { /* Post landing */ .post-landing.rdm-gallery.kate-middleton-is-just-a-regular- ...
As of October 13, 2019, Loblaw Companies Limited has revised a former recall on President’s Choice brand Lower Iron milk based powdered infant f ...
Now we are going to share funny moments when kids and babies are falling :) SUBSCRIBE here: ...
If you are stressed or had bad day" May by you just need reason to laugh" If yes, this video is for you! Funny naughty babies and kids will ...
On the morning after my miscarriage four summers ago, my then four-year-old daughter gave me the sweetest Get Well card, or as she wrote it, Get Mell. ...
Potty training is hard. But once you get your little one to recognize when they need to go and hop on the potty in time to keep their diaper clean, y ...
There’s an endless array of innovative and supposedly life-changing products on the baby and toddler market. I had my first baby during the heyd ...
I am not a paediatrician, and I am far from an expert on autism. (I would always suggest asking a professional.) But I wasn?t surprised when I learn ...
Raising kids is stressful business, and some parents turn to a glass of wine or bottle of beer to de-stress at the end of the day (hence the endless w ...
Photo: Courtesy of bogs 1. Neo-Classic NWKids’ Winter Boots If you love BOGS, you’ll love this new, lighter iteration of the popula ...
If you?re pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, you?ve no doubt heard that you should be taking folic acid. That?s because it?s long been estab ...
The upcoming arrival of a baby is definitely something worth celebrating with loved ones and an invitation is the first step in the baby shower plann ...
Halloween is coming soon and we want to show you some unusual and funny Halloween Costumes for babies. Video Link: SUBSCR ...
We have collected more funniest and cutest twins baby videos and mage this compilation to make you laugh hard!!! Video Link: ...
Federal elections are usually about families, and how to woo them. But getting parents’ attention" Not so easy. How are you supposed to get ...
Jodi Shalgosky, Senior Registrar at Kingston Grammar, says that scholarships are given to pupils who make the most of school life Scholarships identif ...
We’ve teamed up with Vilalara Longevity Thalassa and Medical Spa to offer you the chance to win a three-night luxury wellness break wor in Portu ...
How do you choose the A-level subjects that will determine what you study at university ? when you have yet to take your GCSEs" Lorne Stefanini, ...
Florence Gardner and Charlie Creed, both 17, describe their roles as the first Heads of School at Ipswich High School in Woolverstone since it became ...
Hello Bello, Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard‘s newly released line of plant-based baby-care products, has made it’s way to Canada?and we cou ...
When you first hear the crushing footsteps of an elephant as it stomps through the forest, something indescribable happens to you. Baby Sunti is the f ...
From her cheeky aside to the media at Prince Louis’ christening to her propensity for posing with her tongue out, Princess Charlotte has never s ...
Once most toddlers learn to talk, there’s one thing they usually won’t shut up about: snacks. Yup, if you have a little one in the house ( ...
As kids, my twin sister and I had our own separate bedrooms in our spacious suburban house?hers was carpeted in ?80s bubble gum pink, mine in royal bl ...
Cutest and funniest babies love playing with water and sometimes happens very funny things :D Video Link: SUBSCRIBE here: ...
OK, is your baby saying ?dog?" Or is it ?Dad?" And how do you know if they?re trying to tell you they want more mashed sweet potato or want ...
When you?re pregnant, it?s natural to want to know what?s happening inside your growing belly. With the advent of many new pregnancy monitoring device ...
The subject of child abuse is unsettling, and yet it?s shockingly common; one in three Canadians say they?ve suffered from it. Here’s what you n ...
/* Mobile breakpoint */ @media screen and (max-width: 769px) { /* Post landing */ .post-landing.rdm-gallery.chrissy-teigen-is-the-most-relata ...
If you?re expecting a baby this fall or winter, you might be wondering which gear to stock up on. Do you need a teeny-tiny puffy snowsuit for your inf ...
So your kid has traded in his toy trains and cars for Pokémon cards but you don?t know what he?s talking about half the time. What is Pokémon" ...
Kyisha Williams is trying to focus both on breathing and footwork, as the lyrics to Destra?s “Lucy” waft through the dimly lit room. Willi ...
Sponsored Content The school premises in Prince’s Gardens, Kensington, occupy four Grade II listed townhouses.Photo credit: Adam Parker A solid ...