Looks like we have another royal wedding in our future, and you know what that means: more ROYAL BABIES. While Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have onl ...
Photo: iStockphoto ?My newborn daughters? sh*t did not stink. Its smell was reminiscent of popcorn. After introducing solid foods though, their poops ...
Download or print this school supplies list to make sure your kids have everything they need for back to school. Read more: 27 new and novel school ...
Most parents have had bath-time struggles with their kids at some point. Whether it?s a problem transitioning from playtime to bath time, fear theyâ� ...
I'm writing this on what feels like the 93rd day of January. It's actually the 30th, but it really does feel like the 93rd. I'm not the only one who f ...
Beluga whale and other big aquarium animals playing with kids and babies visiting aquarium. SUBSCRIBE here: ...
In case parents needed to hear another thing we?ve been getting wrong all along, researchers from Stanford University published a study recently that ...
When you?re pregnant, or thinking about becoming pregnant, you want to do everything you can to make sure your baby is healthy. Part of that includes ...
We speak to Daniel Cummings, Headmaster at Cumnor House Boy’s School and Nursery about the history of his school, what makes it so special and p ...
Let me start off by saying that I have always been pro-choice and support laws that allow people to have full reproductive rights, including safe and ...
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and there’s no better way to celebrate than with a cute kids’ song about dinosaurs who fe ...
Before Gwyneth Paltrow was touting her goop-approved clean beauty routine, you?d have to make the trek to your local health food stores to find wholes ...
Recently, our crew managed to get away for a little bit of luxury and a whole lot of play at Great Wolf Lodge in Niagara Falls, Ontario. I expected ...
For many kids, February 14th is just another day to eat treats and make heart-shaped crafts. This year, show them some extra love with one of these f ...
Growing up in 1990s diet culture, I understood there was a formula for beauty: Flat stomach + thin legs + clear skin + big boobs. But like many girls, ...
“In our house, a box has become an airplane, and a piece of cardboard has been transformed into a sword and shield,” says Kimberly McLeod, ...
Your kids are begging you to take them to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, so now you’ve found yourself planning a trip to Universal Orland ...
The Best Florida Swimming School A former member of the U.S. Olympic swim team has come out in favor of swimming lessons for children in our area. Tyl ...
1. Talk in ?monster voices? together during grumpy drives home from daycare. 2. Show your kids how to do Darth Vader voices into a fan. 3. Slide into ...
best animals and kids playing videos. Funniest Kids playing with animals in the snow SUBSCRIBE here: ...
My first memory around money is my mom telling me that if my dad asked if my outfit was new, I should say no, even if it was. My dad worked and made t ...
When my daughter was around 14 years old, she began to ask if she could have a cup of coffee in the morning like Mom and Dad. As a scientist who studi ...
I ended 2019 in an actual fog of gratitude and grief. The year itself hadn't been all bad, and was poised to end on a high. I was happy and content. I ...
Netflix Canada has announced which new TV shows and movies it will be adding to its lineup in the new year, and of course that means, more options for ...
Anemia means that your blood doesn?t have enough red blood cells. These red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a substance that carries and delivers need ...
If you?re reading this, your world is probably feeling a little off-kilter right now. ?I?m pregnant" Really"!? The majority of women don?t k ...
Who are the faces behind the UK’s best parenting blogs" We meet the mum bloggers taking the online world by storm… Whether it’s ...
What we know about coronavirus right now The new coronavirus?also known as 2019-nCoV?which is believed to have jumped from animals to humans in Wuhan ...
The keto diet is one of the biggest diet trends?thanks in part to celebrity proponents like Halle Berry, Gwyneth Paltrow, LeBron James, and Kourtney K ...
Joe Cressy is a Toronto city councillor for Spadina-Fort York and the chair of Toronto?s Board of Health. I always knew I wanted to be a parent. But w ...
Amy Schumer is no stranger to sharing about her parenting struggles on her Instagram, and one of her latest posts is something many moms out there can ...
Kasper secured a place for his dream education after taking two gap years as a ski instructor with Snowminds. The admission requirement for KasparR ...
Even if your kid isn’t a human Tasmanian devil, between sauce-filled lunches and playtime spills, they’re going to get their clothes dirty ...
Few things cause a parent to jump out of their chair faster than seeing their child with a face full of blood. It?s graphic. It?s scary. It causes a ...
Amidst all the news of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepping away from their royal duties, we’ve gotten some news concerning Baby Archie Harri ...
Most adorable things happens then babies and pets are living together. They are playing together and learning lot from each other. Unbelievable Unlike ...
When my daughter was born 12 years ago, iPads didn?t exist, and I had only recently, begrudgingly, purchased a flip phone. At the time, I never could ...
The request came over breakfast a few weeks after school started. Our family had just moved back to Ontario after two years in Nova Scotia. We had nav ...
To my husband, it was a normal, sunny Saturday morning in September. We were all packed up for a day trip to the lake?probably one of the last beach d ...
We’ve teamed up with MarBella Hotels Collection to offer a family of four the chance to win a week’s holiday at the brand-new, five-star ...
Headmaster Adam Pettitt talks about the London school’s Chrysalis Partnership Programme and how it changed the lives of local students Highgat ...
With their green initiatives to increase environmental awareness, schools are doing their bit to safeguard the planet for years to come Thanks to the ...
SUBSCRIBE here: Watch more baby videos on BabiezTV Babies with Animals ...
1. Marvel at Winter Wildlife Located 45 minutes outside Ottawa in picturesque Montebello, Parc Oméga is a safari park devoted to wildlife ...
I can?t speak for the rest of the world, but I haven?t spent that much time thinking about my bum hole. I haven?t pondered its health, longed for its ...
UPDATE (Jan. 15, 2:40 p.m. ET): The Elementary Teachers? Federation of Ontario will stage a one-day strike on Monday, Jan. 20 at the Toronto, York Reg ...
It?s difficult to imagine myself as you once knew me?three years old, bright-eyed and playful. But I sing lullabies and cry for that little girl, too. ...
There?s one developmental stage that?s not covered in any parenting book. There?s no book, What to Expect: Your New Adult, but there is a universal ...
Health Canada has issued a recall on Toy Story 4 Backpacks found in specially-marked Pull-Ups Plus training pants after discovering some packages may ...
You?ve probably heard that vitamin D for babies and kids is important for their health. Often called the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D helps the body ab ...
Health Canada has recalled nearly 26,000 Bily safety gates sold in Canada after identifying the surface coating applied on the metal tube of the gates ...
Kids and Babies Make up Fails #3 If kids and babies have interest in makeup, funny things happens at home :) SUBSCRIBE here: ...
Twin Babies Most Funny and Cute Moments. Adorable baby siblings playing or arguing together and have lots of funny moments. SUBSCRIBE here: ...
Amy Schumer wants to give her son a sibling but as many parents know, the path to motherhood isn?t always easy or simple. The 38-year-old stand-up com ...
A few years ago I visited Dar a Luz, the only free-standing birth centre in New Mexico. It looks nothing like the towering urban hospitals I have spen ...
Growing up, I had a clear vision of the life I wanted to build: a successful career, a comfortable home, a loving husband and four beautiful kids?idea ...
Heading off for a family ski trip" The correct kit can be the difference between a happy or disastrous ski holiday. Don?t jet off without checkin ...
When you count generations starting from the letter X, it doesn?t give you a lot of time before you reach the end of the alphabet. And despite increas ...
With our fourth child on the way very shortly, we had been hoping to get away for one last little winter getaway as a family of five before baby arriv ...
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (or PMADs) affect as many as one in seven women with kids. We asked psychiatrist Ariel Dalfen, head of the perina ...
With the refresh of Canada’s Food Guide in early 2019, more and more families are now embracing plant-based meat alternatives?and why not" ...
?Marlo has been sleeping in her crib for over 30 MINUTES. I feel so alive…. Wait, do you think she?s still alive"? I sent my husband this t ...
Whether it’s your first baby or your third, breastfeeding isn’t always easy?especially in the early days. And even when nursing is going w ...
Watch thisfunny babies and animals videos and laugh super hard :) Kids and babies have a lot of fun while playing with cute animals. But sometimes hap ...
?How?d your mom die"? Time stilled a little. This question from my precocious five-year-old, a child already versed in the inner workings of proc ...
The average Canadian household wastes 140 kilograms of food each year?roughly $1,100 worth. But unlike many other environmental issues, controlling ho ...
Kimberly Noble, a neuroscientist and pediatrician at Columbia University, clicked a remote on a TED Talks stage in New York last January and a scree ...
SUBSCRIBE here: Kids and babies are exploring the world and often they ...
It?s easy to just shut the door and pretend your playroom isn?t a dumping ground for every birthday present, party loot bag and art experiment. While ...
Every morning, I send my boys out into the world. And every day, I worry about them. I don?t walk my kids into school, and I don?t do the car line eit ...
SUBSCRIBE here: Twin Babies Most Funny and Cute Moments. Adorable bab ...
For the most part, sharing the news of my first pregnancy has been a joyful experience?our parents cried, our siblings squealed and our friends with k ...
?Do you want kisses kisses"? I asked the almost 3-month-old baby, holding him at arm?s length. I was always holding him at arm?s length. I was te ...
Cute baby Daniel's most funny try of crawling and getting light source (mobile phone). Baby crawling for the fist time. I started stopwatch our baby m ...